Good company, delicious food... perfect!
We had a great afternoon eating wonderful food and chatting. I was really impressed by the mature behaviour of the kids, the way they asked each other politely to be passed dishes of food, they way they chatted about the flavours and textures and the way they took responsibility for clearing up afterwards. It was an excellent way to spend time with them and to get to know them all in a different situation. Look out for recipes for some of the most popular dishes on the website soon.
Have a really good holiday, relax, sleep, run around, see friends and family, read books, watch movies, eat good food and... be ready to work even harder when we get back!
Mr. Sherratt
I really enjoyed the banquet. The food was excellent and I was very impressed by the behaviour of the kids. They were really sensible, their manners at the table were great and they had fantastic, mature conversations while they were eating. I'm really glad we celebrated the end of term this way because it made it a little bit special.
Mr. Sherratt
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